Sunday, January 15, 2012

My First HoN Immortal

With my Unicorn Rampage =D

Immortal = 15 kill streak

But I keep forgetting to taunt >.<

Guess I will just do that with my engineer only =P

Hello 2012!

Ok, it's late as usual.

I know >.<


But firstly, happy 2012 peeps!

Here comes the year of the Dragon and me going to be 24 this year o.o

Time sure flies.

Work is still going on steady but hard for me to balance up my hobbies.

Always having the thought that I need more time.

My friend once jokingly asked me why I did not had a gaming job instead :P

I replied that even a tester needs to know a certain degree of programming in order to know how to locate the bugs and etc.

Sure I would love to have a gaming related job.

It's like a dream job for me >.<

Anyway, school side still the same stuffs just that I will be starting next semester instead.

Work wise...

Have not made up my mind if I would like to continue or not.

There are always ups and downs and I can't seem to decide properly.

New year and new problems but new things to experience too!