Sunday, July 15, 2012

League of Legends, another fun night with friends

So after 2 days of sleepless nights plus getting thrashed in a couple of ranked games due to trollers and a very bad spikey connection for my last game after finishing up my project, I went to sleep for 12 hours straight!

Woke up at 6pm, had a very nice dinner outside with my family and set down to play League of Legends.

Have been wanting to improve my skills and countering thus I told myself to use a different champion every round.

End up it was a pretty good gaming night though I mainly just play AP mid carry, top and jungler.
What to do when most player can only think of killing equals an important role.
Not to forget there are so many selfish players that can't play support roles and whole day farm carry lane + solo RPGers.

No chance to use my Pulsefire Ezreal.

Maokai was probably the only champion I had problem with last night.
He pratically drinks mana like water.

Other than that, I am so proud of my AP Master Yi.
To the point I am banning that build out of my list.

Already knew AP Yi was useless but sometimes there's just this urge to try something I had never done before.

Still have no idea why Ian enjoy AP Yi so much.
Probably cause of the imba healing and dog running skills.

That's right.
My friends and I like to call Master Yi as Dog Yi because most players enjoy using his ult to run away as he cannot be slowed.

The problem though, I wonder why they still do not understand that Dog Yi is so easy to kill when we disable them from running away or when healing.

Anyway it was a pretty fun night.
Just did not have a time to go ranking though which I considered myself lucky.

Heard from my friends it was a trollers gathering day.


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