Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Dear boy acting weird!

So our dear Gizmo the energetic little dog who enjoys playing with balls all day long and is our family's official item destroyer.

He basically chew his toys and their bed to bits and pieces.
Poor Snowy's toy were no exceptions either.

At least he did not destroy the old living room sofa we gave them.

Why weird?

FYI, my DAD does not allow us to let our dogs into our house and this picture was taken on a bed - indoor!

One would think he tried to snuck in but nope!
If he did he would have had already done so countless time.
My sister - his mama calls him the sneaky little rat cause he acts like one.

The only champion capable of doing that currently is our dear big boy Whiskey, a golden retriever.
Which he have only done so when it's raining thunder and lightening.

He was acting weird to the point that Mum secretly carry him up to find me to keep him company.

In any case, I think he was lonely.

He used to be in-door more often with my 2nd sister when they were still in Australia.

Guess he is not getting the old attention he is used to when my sister got off from school and work.

He is still cute as he is when lying still using my arm as a pillow.

But all that licking...

I had to take a shower and wash my arms thoroughly before I went off to watch The Bourne Legacy.

Not as good as I had hope but just my opinion.

Next movie - next week - BRAVE!

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