Saturday, February 9, 2013

Dead Space 3 Review

Dead Space 3 - Prologue [Beginnings] 

On PC.

What can I say?

A good buy and it was pretty fun =D

Finished the game last night but it was spoiled pretty bad at the later part as my friend was helping me rush through the game by spamming rocket launcher -_-

But thanks to him at least round 1 is completed.

Had to finish it fast since week days I resume work after Chinese New Year celebration.

Overall the game had a few changes compared to original Dead Space and Dead Space 2.
Item inventory is easier to manage now since all weapon uses the Ammo Clip.
Nicer graphics obviously too :P

As for the horror genre - it just does not work anymore in Dead Space 3.
It became more of a plain 3rd person survival shooter game.
I barely got scared by the surprises they installed.

There is also not much boss fights to be content with.

But at least the co-op mode is able to make up a bit of time with optional missions that are only available when you play co-op with another player. And those in no way will affect your single player play through. Though it would be great to be able to play those optional missions as a single player.

Then there are other things like~

I love the space ship's look when I was floating in space :P
Pretty good audio, awesome visual effects and graphics!

The story is just a recycled version in my opinion but at least the remade action part of the game covers it up a and not to forget the necromorphs are much more aggressive.

If you can remember the Twitcher - see how fast they are able to "twitch" now in Dead Space 3!

Still killable but unless you are using an AOE / knockback you would still need to stasis them before you can shoot them properly. They are extremely easy to kill with a shot gun in normal difficulty. Actually almost all necromorphs are easy to kill with the shotgun in normal difficulty.

Another new thing added is the weapon crafting and the change in the weapon circuit which makes the combat system extremely flexible. And no longer do we need to look out and buy power nodes anymore.

Each unique weapon has a different stats and way to use them. Some like the knock back trip mine is practically a no-no in dealing damage but only useful in stopping the tracks of the enemies in situations where they can surround and swarm on you. It's better to set those up before the enemies are triggered to attack.

Though there is only 2 weapon slots, 1 weapon can be divided to upper tool (primary fire) and lower tool (alt fire using space bar). That makes it 4 weapons to carry around =P

The weapon parts are also customizable and each weapon tip produces a different version of the same weapon. There are also ammo coatings to be used and weapons are now upgradable by finding or making weapon circuits and attached to the weapon. How many of the circuits that can be fitted on depends on the quality of your weapon frame.

Anyway - no game is not faulty but if anyone wants a try at Dead Space 3 - give it a shot! All you have to do is to ignore the crappy story and the rest are pretty awesome. The main thing to enjoy from it would be to get to a higher difficulty setting and challenge your limit =D

Go hardcore go!

Verdict: 8.5/10 

I still really like games with awesome stories >.<
I miss the old days~

Still rendering some videos so I will go to enjoy my Ben and Jerry's Chocolate Fudge Brownie ice cream *_*

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