Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Currently Replaying Dead Island

Had already completed the game before using Logan.

I can't use SamB because he head blob too much for me to handle.

Purna and Xian are OK with me though I rarely uses them.

Let's just say playing this game for me is like a one time through and you won't feel like replaying it again unless you are playing with your friends.

So yes, I am basically playing and helping 3 of my friends who just bought their Dead Island due to Steam sales.

Not gonna stream it because it might lag and my Logan is a glass cannon :P

The Mindblow is really broken for Logan though (laughs).

Cause it scales too damn well with his AOE.

Actually wanted to stream my Dragon Age 2 since I am also replaying it at hard difficulty but gave it a rest because I tend to take my own sweet time too much.

Now now I have been going back to Garena League of Legends more frequently.

Really like the new ARAM mode.

Straight up battles are good for warm up.

And managed to get Eggplant my kendo and polytechnic friend to play it =D

Just so happens that ARAM is a good place for him to get used to things especially the different champions.

Thanks to the beginner bot training session too he has basically recognize Garen with extreme precision.

Cause he got chased by Garen all too much whether he was trying out Ashe or Nami.

(I purposely keep setting Garen on enemy team though! shhhhhhhhhh!!!!
It's a good way to train a newbie ADC not to get too close to a fighter :P )

We managed to get a non-moba friend to LoL by baiting him with the female character arts ^^

He like the sporty types - hue hue hue

So now one of the champions he can use more efficiently is Ashe.

Next one we planning to get him to play Amumu~

That said - ARAM has been fun but sometimes too unlucky and you get very bad champions synergies >.<

And for some reason every time I play with one of my ex-clan friend 13 I tend to get Karma like.... almost every time? lolx...

There's a conspiracy!

Or not :P

And so my Karma became a convenient tank in an ARAM match 2 days back.

With no boots again.

Hue hue hue...

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